Ch. Ballpit de BroeckloniRasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby spottedgeb.: 05.05.2012 MU.RX12.BRI.53.4Besitzer: Beyer, Doris Züchter: Ad de Bruijn A-B-C-D-I-ossT-wwwbwb

Vale of Proud's Nero Rasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby blotched

Burundi de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Uno de Noble black silver tabby blotched
Beep de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Vale of Proud's Cookie Girl black silver tabby blotched
Euro.Ch. Tenra's Sam-So-Nite black silver tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Big Bang de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Balletje-Balletje de Broeckloni Rasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby spotted

Int.Ch. Sulver Syb Fan Lewardia black silver tabby blotched
Euro.Ch. Boyscout de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Marvellous Golden Cara black golden tabby spotted
Betsy Blair de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Sweet Harmony's Golden Gate black silver tabby blotched
Bermuda de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Ch. Magic Tabby's Silver XeniaRasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby blotchedgeb.: 22.08.2010 09085085Besitzer: Beyer, Doris Züchter: Berlin-NO D.Beyer A-B-C-D-I-oosstbtbwwwbwb

Int.Ch. Gryffindors Silver Yeti Rasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby blotched geb.: 03.06.2009 GdK-01-006341/2009-m Besitzer: Berlin-NO D.Beyer Züchter: Knüfermann, Iris, Dr. A-B-C-D-I-oosstbtbwwwbwb

Gryffindors V-Man black silver tabby blotched Züchter: Knüfermann, Iris, Dr.
Euro.Ch. Joffe vom Wahrberg black silver tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Gryffindors Silver Calista black silver tabby blotched
Ch. Silver Elaine aus Curbechi black silver tabby blotched Züchter: Brigitte Mehrhoff
Euro.Ch. Jerry Lee Lewis Castello Azzuro black silver tabby blotched
Int.Ch. Bahama de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Guapa Gucci van't Rietveld Rasse: British Shorthair black silver tabby blotched geb.: 28.04.2003 Belgicat 16130 Besitzer: Berlin-NO D.Beyer Züchter: Miguel Roldan-Aragon A-B-C-D-I-oosstbtbwwwbwb

Sweet Harmony's Tiko Time black silver tabby blotched
Ch. Blade de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Sweet Harmony I. vom Orchideenwald black silver tabby blotched
Euro.Ch. Marvellous Silver Liscalgot black silver tabby blotched Züchter: Maria Wellmeyer
Ch. Olympic Bo de Broeckloni black silver tabby blotched
Ch. Marvellous Plaisier D'Amour black silver tabby blotched